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School Improvement

At Altrincham CE Primary School, all staff and governors are committed to school improvement, which is rapid and sustained.

Please see our School Improvement Priorities for 2023-24

  1. Further develop the school’s distinctive Christian character by effectively establishing, developing and embedding the new Christian vision and values so that they are strongly evidenced by adults and children in everyday practice. (Year 1 of 2)


  1. Further review and embed a well sequenced, coherent, broad and balanced curriculum in science, history and geography.  (Year 1 of 3)


  1.  Further embed good standards of teaching; creating self-motivated, resilient learners who actively embrace challenge, remember more, learn more and integrate new knowledge into larger ideas in order to maximise their learning and make at least good progress.  (Year 2 of 2)


  1. Develop and embed an ACE approach to assessment in the foundation subjects and science, that informs teaching to best meet the needs of pupils, ensures progress in learning and supports the effective delivery of the curriculum. (Year 1 of 3)


  1. Further develop and effectively implement an EAL strategy that raises expectations and targets use of funding to raise standards of achievement for EAL pupils, closing attainment and progress gaps. (Year 3 of 3)