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More information on PE & Sport

At Altrincham CE Primary School, we recognise and value the importance of Physical Education (P.E.). 

We want our children to develop a life-long love of physical education and sport, to be healthy in both mind and body and to become physically literate.  This means having the competence, motivation, confidence and knowledge to lead a healthy lifestyle. We want our pupils to have no limits to what their ambitions are and to grow up wanting to be athletes, personal trainers, sports coaches, nutritionists, sports journalists, gold medal winners or adults leading a healthy active lifestyle through their personal pursuits. With this in mind, we have developed a fun, high quality physical education curriculum and physically active learning curriculum that inspires all pupils to enjoy, succeed and excel in competitive intra and inter school sports and other physically demanding activities.  School is fully committed to inclusion and deploy school staff effectively to deliver timely interventions, offer challenge and support pupils with EHC Plans.

Our Aims

Aims (desired outcomes)

At Altrincham CE Primary School, Physical Education will:

  • Be fully inclusive of every child
  • Fulfil the requirements of the National Curriculum for Physical Education
  • Provide a broad and balanced cross-curriculum offer which ensures the progressive development of knowledge and skills
  • Ensure that all pupils receive 2 hours of curriculum Physical Education a week with additional opportunities for physical activity outside of curriculum time
  • Ensure all pupils experience a range of appropriate challenges as they move through the school
  • Be taught and learned actively, using every opportunity to include physical activity in the curriculum
  •  Promote Achievement, specifically pupils will:
  • Acquire and develop a variety of physical skills to promote a healthy lifestyle and posture
  • Develop skillful use of the body, the ability to remember, repeat and refine actions and to perform them with increasing control, co-ordination and fluency
  • Experience ‘new’ as well as ‘traditional’ sports
  • Improve in all subject areas
  • Ensure Personal Development, specifically pupils will:
  • Develop confidence, creativity, positivity and be happy to perform
  • Understand the need for safe practice in physical activities for themselves, others and equipment used
  • Improve observation skills and the ability to describe and make simple judgements on their own and the work of others, and use their observations and judgements to improve their own and others’ performance.
  • Develop Social Skills, specifically pupils will:
  • Develop spiritual, moral, social and cultural awareness through competitive and co-operative activities,
  • Work in a team and interact with other children
  • Demonstrate good sportsmanship at all times,
  • Develop the ability to communicate non-verbally with their body.
  • Promote Health and Emotional Well-Being, specifically pupils will:
  • Be physically active and find enjoyment in physical activity
  • Acquire knowledge and understanding of fitness and health and have a better outlook on life
  • Make links between being physically active and travelling to school.  Our families are encouraged to walk/cycle/scoot to school
  • Be encouraged to become involved in extra-curricular clubs including links to outside sports clubs and community links.
  • Understand the etiquette behind competition and learn to win and lose graciously and with respect to our opposition.
  • Develop Leadership, specifically pupils will:
  • Make informed decisions and plan what they are going to do,
  • Develop a sense of fair play
  • Develop decision making and problem solving skills in order to initiate their own learning
  • Use reasoning skills and the ability to make judgements with an increasing ability to select, link and apply skills, tactics and compositional ideas