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Late/Absence Procedures

The School Day

School starts promptly at 8:55am when the bell will sound.and there are staff on duty to welcome the children in. School supervision and responsibility does not commence until this time.

Attendance and Punctuality

Altrincham CE Primary School believes that regular and punctual school attendance is the key to enabling children to maximise the educational opportunities available to them through enjoying and achieving; becoming healthy young people; being and feeling safe; having their emotional well-being addressed; and being able to make a positive contribution to their school and community.

Unless children are really ill, we expect them to come to school every day. Children, who are late, miss out on important parts of their learning and disrupt the organisation of the school day.

If your child’s attendance and punctuality fall below a satisfactory level, (below 90% is known as Persistence Absence), you will be contacted by letter from school. Following no improvement after two letters from school, the Education Welfare Officer will be notified and you could be invited to school for an interview. As a last resort, the Educational Welfare Officer will initiate procedures to prosecute.

From the third day of any unauthorised absence, a fixed penalty notice will be issued.

School Absences

Please ensure that you notify us by letter when your child returns to school after an absence. We also ask for a phone call on the first morning of absence (0161 928 7288) so we are aware straight away of the reason for your child’s absence. The office will phone you if contact is not made, to ensure the safety and whereabouts of your child.


Holidays will not be authorised during term time except in exceptional circumstances.