Forgiveness Spring 2 2023
In the Lord’s Prayer we ask God to forgive us our sins or trespasses as we forgive those who sin against us. What a thing to ask! We are saying we wish God to treat us in the same way we treat other people!
Forgiveness is the means by which damaged relationships are restored. It is an act of the will, motivated by love. Children and adults in school are helped to acknowledge that we all make mistakes and we all need forgiveness from God and each other.
We should reflect on the following questions: How are children and adults within the school community helped to acknowledge that we all make mistakes and we all need forgiveness from God and each other? How does the school help all members of the community to make amends for their mistakes? How does the school celebrate the idea that God’s love is so great that forgiveness is always possible? How does the school foster the idea that forgiveness and acceptance of all builds the life of the school community?
Example Bible Story
The Prodigal Son
Luke's Gospel Chapter 15