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What does your child learn at school each day? Find information about our curriculum subjects here. 

If you have any questions regarding the curriculum we teach please contact the school directly via the school office on 0161 928 7288.

Curriculum Overview

Our school’s journey towards rapid and sustained school improvement began in January 2019.

As a school, we have challenged ourselves to think about all that we do:

How and why we teach?

Why do we do what we do?

What are the outcomes we want for every child in our school?

Whole staff involvement has been integral to our success and so Senior Leaders, Subject Leaders, Teachers and Teaching Assistants have researched best practice in all curriculum areas. This has involved extensive reading and taking time to visit other schools to draw upon their knowledge, skills and expertise. This has led to clarity, a deep understanding and an ownership of what we want our curriculum to be about and what we want to achieve – its purpose and design. We began with our mathematics and English Frameworks and then considered the wider curriculum. We are excited to implement our new cohesive, progressive and ‘irresistible’ curriculum framework from September 2020 and to see its impact for every child in our school.

Visual Representation of The ACE Curriculum Model

What is the purpose of our Curriculum? (the reason for doing something)

At Altrincham CE Primary School, the overarching purpose of our curriculum is to: Enable our children to develop a lifelong love of learning; to develop learning and thinking in order to secure deep knowledge and understanding; foster and build self-confidence, independence and resilience; promote personal and social skills which will ensure a strong sense of self-worth and esteem as well as a strong sense of justice, fairness and respect for others: instill a deep understanding of the Christian faith and respect for other faiths; encourage a love of nature; establish a strong shared set of moral values.

What are our Curriculum Aims? (the outcomes we want for our children)

At Altrincham CE Primary School we want our pupils to be engaged, confident, curious and excited to learn. In turn, pupils will retain knowledge, make links in their learning to deepen understanding and will achieve well in all areas of the curriculum.

Our curriculum has been designed to enable our children to be:

• Resilient

• Independent

• Risk takers

• Thinkers, learners and problem solvers (metacognition)

Our curriculum will enable all our children to:

• achieve well in all areas of the curriculum and close the disadvantage gap;

• secure knowledge and understanding and experience a wide breadth of study, across all areas of the curriculum, that is embedded in long term memory;

• develop a rich vocabulary that they are able to confidently use in their speaking, listening, reading and writing;

• grow a strong sense of faith, spirituality and social conscience

• nurture a love and value of reading beyond the reading scheme

• foster a passion and excitement for learning

Teaching and Learning at ACE

At Altrincham CE Primary School we are committed to making the best possible provision for our children, in order that they may achieve their full potential in all areas of the curriculum. 

High quality, inclusive teaching is an essential component of our curriculum framework model so that our ‘irresistible’ curriculum intent translates into outstanding teaching at the point of implementation:

It is our belief that pupils should be taught in the best way possible according to up to date pedagogical thinking:

  • ENJOYING their learning;
  • THRIVING in a stimulating environment;
  • BEING CHALLENGED in their thinking;
  • BUILDING resilience;
  • DEVELOPING a positive growth mindset and a ‘can do’ approach to learning;
  • DEEPENING knowledge and understanding.

Through an effective staff professional development programme we enable our teaching staff to have the skills, knowledge, confidence and enthusiasm to plan and deliver a robust curriculum which addresses the needs of all pupils including those in our vertically grouped classes.

Our school mission statement Loving, Learning and Growing Together In The Footsteps of Jesus” underpins our approach to teaching and learning. Our children love learning and enjoy their school experience.

We have developed an 'Altrincham way' to teaching and learning which ensures a consistency as children progress through our school whilst also providing the space for staff’s individual creativity within their classroom.