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Creative, Outdoor and Adventurous Learning (C.O.A.L)

Creative, Outdoor and Adventurous Learning (C.O.A.L)

What does 'COAL' consist of?

Music - Taught by Music Specialists from Trafford Music Service

PE - Delivered by highly skilled and experienced coaching staff

Forest School - Delivered by Mrs Hornby and Mrs Eaton our resident Forest School leaders.

At Altrincham, we have developed a curriculum which we believe is right for our children based upon their backgrounds and our beliefs about high quality education. 

We believe that the experiences we offer through COAL will enhance and deepen their learning through a wealth of first hand experiences as well as igniting a passion for learning.

COAL is fully aligned with our overarching curriculum purpose and aims by enabling our children to develop a lifelong love of learning; to develop learning and thinking in order to secure deep knowledge and understanding; foster and build self-confidence, independence and resilience; promote personal and social skills which will ensure a strong sense of self-worth and esteem as well as a strong sense of justice, fairness and respect for others; instill a deep understanding of the Christian faith and respect for other faiths; encourage a love of nature; establish a strong shared set of moral values. These are truly the skills of a highly effective learner.